Dear Dell,
Last night I got very little sleep because I spent most of the night wedged in between Max and Gage. I don't know what we are going to do about this sleeping arrangement, but it is not working for me. I sleep pretty lightly as it is and I change positions a lot. I cant change positions when Gage's head is jammed into the right side of my rib cage and Max's head is almost jammed under my left knee.
Around lunch time today I got a tad annoyed, see rant on Crab Goggles, with my landlord. I'm not really sure why the guy thinks he can just open the gate and wander around the property with no notice, but it pisses me off beyond belief when I see him here, and pisses me off even more when he comes to my door to be fake and condescending. I knew when we signed our lease here that they were going to be over bearing, but the location was good and the property was nice so we signed anyway. Hopefully we will only be here for another year or two.
Did you know, Dell, that Pop Tarts are a food group? They sure seem to be in our house anyway. I cannot keep these things in the house. The kids devour them. They also drag them around the house so that I can find Pop Tart Jam all over everything.
Today, I should have been making a grocery list, getting my bills together to be paid in the morning, and making my meal list for the next two weeks. Yes, I plan my meals two weeks at a time. I plan dinner only, but it helps me because I can buy all the ingredients in advance and I have a list available for Grant. In the past he would make something and use dinner ingredients so that when I went to make a meal all the things I needed were gone. Now he can check the list and see which items he can safely use. I also have a really bad memory so it helps to know what my options are everyday. Anyway, I should have been doing all that, but I didn't. I spent my time crabbing and being assaulted by Gage who is having a really manic sort of day.
This evening I hope to do very little. The kids are outside working off some energy, I hope, and I already am lacking energy. I would love it if we could have everyone in bed by 8.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ooops! Think I just pee'd a little.
What I did for the Super Bowl. . . LIV!
5 years ago
Oh I love pop tarts specially when I had no kids I have not introduce them to mine yet!
I need to get back to meal planning got out of the routine, we are eating out way too often. Now I am craving frosted strawberry pop tarts.... I hate Cheerios they are like sand. I find them everywhere.
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