Yesterday a co worker/ friend of my husband was supposed to be coming for dinner. The dinner I had planned was not complicated or time consuming by any means, but what was stressful and time consuming was making and keeping the house decent with the kids home.
I started out making the bed while Max pulled every cd in the house out and spread them across the kitchen. I vacuumed with a vacuum that apparently hates me and decided not to work yesterday. I picked up toys all day long, as I do every day, swished some cleaner around the toilet, and tried to keep the kids from smearing every piece of food they ever laid hands on across the couch, carpet, kitchen floor, and the walls.
And then, with 15 minutes til my husband and his friend would be home, my husband called to tell me our guest wasn't coming. In the end it was just as well as my husband got called in to work briefly, but boy that would have been nice to know before I spent the day stressed out.
Two things also came of this....I found some soggy asparagus at the bottom of the fridge...did you know it liquefies when it has been in the fridge too long. Yeah, I didn't know, and so when I pulled it out of the fridge I flung rotten asparagus juice every where...
The other thing was, thanks to Max, I have found 6 cheese-y cd's that I'm not sure how I have been living without.
Today I went to the girls' school to meet with the speech lady there. She seems very nice in person as she did on the phone the few times I have talked to her. She gave me some info for Gage as well. However being there with the boys, well that was fun, as usual. Gage screamed until I played with his Lego's for him, he tried to escape three times, and kept touching the lady's hand. Max tried to leave with a bucket of blocks. I suppose it could have been worse, well I know it could have been worse.
We left when school buses were being loaded for a trip to the zoo that Kayla was involved in. Gage has a lot of irrational fears, and they seem to be getting worse. He freaked at the kids in the hallway, freaked about walking near the buses, and then tried to get away from the van to get back to the school.
We came home so that Max could pour my coffee on the carpet, and then go fishing in the turtle tank.
Tonight we went to the art show for our school system. Each school from K- 12th grade displays selected pieces of art. Kayla's artwork was chosen to be displayed.
Kayla's art....

...and a pic of Kayla petting a tortoise at the zoo.

The mom she was assigned to was nice enough to send me a picture, and she also bought Kayla a stuffed animal. She only had her daughter and Kayla. The kids were told not to bring money but I guess her friend's mom doesn't follow rules well, and that's ok with me. I thought that was sweet of her.
Off to watch mind numbing TV as the boys are finally asleep.
YAY!! I need some time off!
1 comment:
What a little artist you have!
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