Dear Dell,
If you have seen the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks you will know about Wilson. Wilson was a ball that Tom Hanks talked to while he was stranded on an island waiting to be found.
You, dear Dell, are my Wilson.
It is my goal to "talk" to you daily so that I may keep a little piece of my own sanity like that character in Cast Away.
My husband seems to think blogging is therapeutic. I'm not sure if he really feels that way or if he just wants me to talk a little more to you and a little less to him about the mundane things that happen in the day in the life of a mom turned fruitcake.
To be fair, my family did not make me crazy, I have been a fruitcake since childhood.
Speaking of fruitcake, I long for some. Not only am I the only person on Earth who seems to like fruitcake, but I also happen to be allergic to 99.9% of all fruitcakes made. I am allergic to nuts. Go figure.
Ive been a mom for 2424 days today. Interesting that I would start confiding in you on a day like today. I have a thing for goofy numbers and times like 11:11 or 10:10, so 2424 seems very fitting.
Wow, and to demonstrate how lost I am, when I went back to check that I entered the right amount of days, because 2424 seemed a tad unbelievable...well I was right, it WAS unbelievable. I'm so frazzled that I entered the wrong birth year of my first daughter. Today is actually day 2789. Also interesting with the 789 in it, but not quite as exciting as 2424.
See what I find exciting these days?
The idea to sort of journal my days came to me while I was in my car at Sonic one Saturday morning. I was ordering some insane amount of sausage burritos and trying to wedge myself in between my van door and the board with the menu and ATM card reader on it. I'm not sure who designed those spaces but if you happen to have anything other than a compact car, you are screwed. The whole setup is kind of awkward. At least in my opinion it is. I have a blog already, called Crab Goggles , but I usually pick a topic and rant/crab on there, this is more like a Dear Diary, today my day sucked because....
Ok so I'm a glass half empty kind of girl, I'm sure you figured that out by now.
So today Dell, my husband was kind enough to bring home a co worker at lunch. Not only did this send my two year old ape shit looking for daddy after he left, but it kind of made me uncomfortable to have someone in my house with no notice. Luckily I had on a bra, but I also had chip crumbs all over the living room and my pajama pants on. I'm not sure I would have done too much to prepare for this arrival, but I might have felt better with a few seconds to clean up some chip crumbs.
Just for introduction sake, I have 4 kids.
Lizzie age 7. She is in second grade and has a high functioning form of Autism.
Kayla age 6. She is in first grade and is very sensitive.
Gage age 4, He is at home with me daily. He has Juvenile Onset Bipolar disorder and is currently needing new or more medication.
And, Max is 2. He is a daredevil.
I also have two dogs (Chow mixes), two turtles, various fish, and a tabby cat.
My husband Grant works days and then comes home and helps me. Both my husband and I suffer from mood and anxiety disorders. He has Dysthymia and OCD, and I have OCD and possibly Bipolar disorder.
I heart pharmaceutical companies :)
Tomorrow we see our developmental pediatrician for Lizzie and Gage. We will be discussing Lizzie's bullying and Gage's relapse of scary behavior. We will also be having blood tests. Lizzie is like a rabid animal when you even mention blood tests so my husband and some lab techs will have to sit on her to get the job done.
Fun times. I expect day 2790 will be a stressful one.
What I did for the Super Bowl. . . LIV!
5 years ago
I hope day 2790 isn't too incredibly stressful. Or, if it is, that day 2800 is fantastic!
Yay! You'll write daily, and I'll read daily! :)
I am the nut to your fruitcake!!! Ok maybe I am just nutty, well nevermind...I LOVE the new blog!
Hope the Fairy Crab Mother brings you a microwave soon.
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